Peace & Justice Update
December Focus on Haiti
During the Dominican Month of Peace we bring you a homily from Brother Victor Laroche, OP who continues to put the spotlight on Haiti this month with his words. Please click here to view.
From Our Founded Ministries
Honorable Distinction
We are happy to report that Lourdes Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center in Michigan has received the highest rating from US News and World Report for 2025 for short and long-term care. Factors such as quality of care at the short-term division where almost 70% of patients return home along with a high percentage of residents who accomplish daily activities in long-term care contribute to the recognition. Thank you to all who have made the Center a success. Please go here to view.
Prayer Requests
- Sr. Andre Kravec (Columbus, OH, requests prayer for a pastor she was associated with, Fr. Chuck Mazouch, who has faced surgeries and treatments for various types of cancer. He has recently fallen and has broken his collar bone. He is now preparing for a series of upcoming therapies.
- Associate Gaye Reissland (Columbus, OH, requests prayer for Yvette Hicks, a friend who is experiencing medical problems as a result of a stroke and bleeding in the brain.
- Sr Mary Ann Culotta (New Orleans, LA, requests prayer for her brother, Jim Sr. and his wife who were both recently admitted to memory care and also Jim's son who is caring for the two, while facing changes in employment. Sr. Mary Ann also requests prayer for her sister Roselyn, who has Parkinson's Disease that is becoming more problematic.
Associate Carole Greco (Naples, FL, requests prayer for her brother Warren Dorman, who passed away November 30 from lung and stomach cancer. He was considered a prayer warrior for "Right to Life" in the Chicago area.