
Directories Resources Calendar Necrology

December 4, 2024

Peace & Justice Update
December is Dedicated to Peace in Haiti
Sr. Durstyne Farnan, OP,
United Nations Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Dominican Representative, offers this reflection for the first Sunday of Advent during the Dominican Month of Peace. The 2024 Month of Peace is dedicated to the nation of Haiti.

Assembly Action Steps
You can Save a Life!
Call, email, or write the White House and encourage President Biden to commute all Federal death sentences before the beginning of the new administration. 
To sign the petition, click here. 
To sign onto a letter from Death Penalty Action, click here.

Congregational News
An Advent Resource
The Ministry of Welcome Team has a timely gift to share. It is a beautiful Advent flipbook, originally prepared for discerners, but a welcome resource for all as we prayerfully prepare for Christmas during this time of Advent. Please click here to view.

Tentative 2025 Leadership Visitation Schedule 
For comments on the tentative visitation schedule that was sent in the Monday newsletter please note Valerie Shaul's e-mail for any comments: Valerie.Shaul@​ We received reports the link wasn't working. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Dominican Family News
International Dominican Information
To read the official news from the Dominican Order, click here. To read December’s featured articles, please click here.

From Our Founded Ministries
Shepherd's Corner Early December Happenings
A Saturday at Shepherd's Corner
Saturday, December 7th
9:00 am - Noon
Free of Charge

Enjoy an early December in the woods! Come walk the meditation trail or one of the labyrinths. You might even get to wave at the sheep in the field. Shepherd's Corner will have some crafts and creations for purchase too. You will be able to buy their jams and jellies, garlic basil & lemon verbena vinegars, and even the super limited run of 2024 maple syrup.

This visit is free and open to folks of all ages and children should be accompanied by an adult. Donations are accepted. Those who attend are asked to consider bringing along unexpired nonperishable food items for the local pantries. You can find out more by clicking this link 

Quilt Raffle
Shepherd's Corner is raffling off a quilt that was created and donated by Sr. Andre Kravec

Tickets: $5/five entries, $20 for 25 entries. They can be purchased online here. Online ticket sales will end at 10:00 am on December 7th. Participation in the raffle is not tax deductible and is limited to Ohio residents. 

Tickets can be purchased using cash at Shepherd's Corner, by arranging a time or on Saturday, December 7th from 9:00 am - 10:30 am. Individual entry tickets may be purchased on Saturday December 7th at Shepherd's Corner. 

The Peace Center Gives Thanks
Sisters, Associates, family and friends gathered at the Peace Center for a very traditional Thanksgiving dinner. They feasted on turkey and ham, homemade casseroles, sweet potatoes, salad, bread, and for dessert spice cake, plus a lot of "ooey gooey" cakes and brownies! Conversation was lively, and everyone left sufficiently “stuffed”.  Please click here to see a few images from the day. 

Events and Save the Date
World Day of Consecrated Life
Sunday, February 2, 2025 is World Day of Consecrated Life and we are invited to join Bishop Earl Fernandes in Columbus' St. Joseph Cathedral to celebrate a special Mass and Presentation of the Lord. Mass time is 5:15 pm with a reception to follow. More details are expected later.

Prayer Requests

  • Sr. Diane Kozlowski (Columbus, OH, diane.kozlowski​ requests prayer for Sr. Joan Marie Jereb (Columbus, OH, while she is in the hospital recovering from a fall.
  • Sr. Margie Davis (Columbus, OH, margie.davis@op​ requests prayer for Carolyn Dyer, Sr. Michaeline’s Green's twin sister who fell and required surgery for her hip and femur bone and also has other medical complications. Her surgery was set for Tuesday, December 3.  Please keep Carolyn and Sr. Mary Michaeline Green (Metairie, LA, Michaeline.Gree​ and their family in your thoughts and prayer. 
  • Sr. Maryann Lawlor (Columbus, OH, Maryann.lawlor@​ requests prayer for her twin brother, Jim who had a stroke Monday night in Connecticut.
  • Sr. Diane Kozlowski (Columbus, OH, diane.kozlowski​ requests prayer for Mohun Housekeeper Rose Nobel who has viral pneumonia and is in an intensive care unit. 

Updates/Notes of Gratitude
Sr. Teresa Tuite (Gahanna, OH, teresa.tuite@op​ sends a thank you to everyone for the comforting words, prayer and cards sent on behalf of her nephew-in-law, Mike Brogan.
