Associate Blog
Today's blog comes from Associate Mark Butler who writes about opposition to the death penalty. Please click here to read.
Peace & Justice Update
More Notes from Haiti
Please see the next in a series of notes from Dominican Sisters ministering in Haiti who work under difficult circumstances.
The notes are especially meaningful during the Dominican Month of Peace, focusing on Haiti.
Here is an excerpt from one of the notes that focuses on inadequate accommodations. The Sisters are appreciative of support and prayer during their ministry in this Caribbean country.
Despite the situation in the area, we have the courage and strength to stay and work with our people in this difficult time. The name of the mission is: Centre Missionnaire Marie Poussepin.
The reception center is not currently functioning due to turbulent conditions. No one has been coming to use our service since 2020. For this reason, the upkeep of the house is really difficult. We have no money for maintenance. We have a lot of difficulties in the space because it's existed without maintenance for a long period of time and the space is large and deteriorated.
Congregational News
Advent Invitation in Columbus
Columbus-area Sisters and Associates are invited to Lessons and Carols on Sunday, December 15 at 4:00 PM in the Motherhouse Chapel.
If anyone would like to join the Motherhouse Sisters for supper (5:30 PM) on December 15, please RSVP to Sherri Holland at 614-416-1092 or by Wednesday, December 13.
A Death in our Family
Please offer your prayer for the repose of the soul of Sr. Mary Phuc Nguyen's cousin, Maria My Van, who died last week in Utah. Your prayer for her husband and daughter, as well as the rest of the family, is also appreciated.
February Retreats
St. Joseph's by-the-Sea begins their retreats again in February. There is a full brochure that offers various possibilities in Sea Isle, New Jersey. Please click here to review what is available. Then you can go here to register.
Prayer Requests
Associate Doris Melito (Metairie, LA, requests prayer for a successful surgery and healing. She is scheduled to have a mastectomy on December 20.