Congregational News
Mission Groups Meet this Spring
The planning committee, Sisters Barbara Harrington, JoAnn Hohenbrink, Rene Weeks and Carol Davis are excited about the unfolding plans for our Spring Mission Group meetings.
Both Sisters and Associates are invited to be part of the morning session of the meeting.
Please choose to attend one of the two options for these Zoom meetings, Sisters full day, Associates half day:
Dates: Saturday, March 22nd or Monday March 24th
Time: 10 AM – 3:30PM Eastern time
Please click here to register for the Spring Mission Group meeting. Sisters will register for the whole day. Associates will register for the morning which begins promptly at 10 am and concludes at noon Eastern time. When the invitation comes out it will be important to choose your date and register so that our Communications team can be prepared for the technology needed.
Once you have selected your date, before to mark your calendar. We will send reminders as we get closer to the meeting date.
Both days have identical programs and will include break-out groups, therefore, it is best if you have one person or no more than two people at an individual computer. We know from experience it is easier to see and talk with just one or two people at a time on a screen.
Looking forward to this time together. We especially need each other during these challenging times moving forward as Dominican Sisters and Associates of Peace.
"We may have all come on different ships, but we're in the same boat now.”
Martin Luther King Jr.
Diocese of Columbus Celebrates Consecrated Life
It was a memorable occasion yesterday at St. Joseph's Cathedral when our Sisters joined with others at a Mass and celebration focused on World Day of Consecrated Religious Life.
The occasion was organized by the Diocese of Columbus with Bishop Earl K. Fernandes offering the Mass.
Sr. Shingai Chigwedere served as a gift bearer and Associate Diane LeMay participated as a reader.
After the Mass, all joined together for conversation and a delicious meal. Please see some photos from the day here.
Supporting Catholic Schools Week
Last Thursday, some of our Sisters took time out to celebrate Catholic Schools Week at St. Brigid Kildare Catholic School in Dublin. They attended Mass and spent time with students, talking to them about vocations.
Then, on Friday, they were invited to take part in a favorite basketball game, the Students versus Teachers match up. Sr. Gregoria Bueno Rodriquez and Sr. Bea Tiboldi hit the court to play on the teachers team, and Sisters Peggy Martin, Margie Davis, Joye Gros and Teresa Tuite were the cheerleaders. Extra fun was provided by two seminarians who were also enlisted to the teachers team. See some photos from the day here.
Office News
Prayer Intentions
Please see the Prayer intentions for January by clicking here.
February Directory
Please click here for the latest directory.
Death of A Sister: Funeral Mass Reminder
We remember our dear Sr. June Engelbrecht, OP, a native of New Orleans who passed away on January 25. Please see her many accomplishments during 64 years of service to God's people here in this obituary.
Sr. June Englebrecht’s funeral mass will be livestreamed at 9:30 am EST on Tuesday, February 4; this is a correction from Friday's email.
The stream will be available to log on at 9:00 am.
Please click here to log on.
Prayer Requests
- Sr. Marie Damicone (Columbus, OH, requests prayer for her sister-in-law, Joann Bruno Damicone, who died Sunday, February 2 in Ravenna, Ohio. Please also remember Joann's children and grandchildren in prayer.
- Sr. Joan Arcenaux (Columbus, OH, requests prayers for the repose of the soul of Margaret Gaudin, her sister, who died February 1.
- Associate Joe Perez (Garden City, KS, requests prayer on behalf of Isaiah for Aunt Ruby who was scheduled to have open heart surgery today and prayer for Aunt Elva who is scheduled to have open heart surgery on Tuesday. Please pray for the medical team.