
Directories Resources Calendar Necrology

January 27, 2025

Peace & Justice Update
Support for a Bishop
Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde, the Episcopal Bishop of Washington, DC,
has come under considerable threat and negative press from her preaching on the foundations of unity - inherent dignity of all, honesty, humility, and mercy. 
Bishop Budde offered her reflections during the prayer service at the National Cathedral in Washington, DC, on January 22nd.
In her reflection, Bishop Budde directly addressed the president and vice-president to extend mercy to marginalized groups across America. Her preaching can be found here.

The Dominican Sisters of Peace Justice Promoter, Sr. Gemma Doll, OP, encourages interested Sisters and Associates to write letters of support to Bishop Budde at this address:
The Rt. Revd. Mariann Edgar Budde
Episcopal Church House
Mount St. Alban
Washington, DC, 20016-5094

Congregational News
Sharing the Homily
Sr. Pat Twohill is grateful for the invitation to preach last week during the Founded Ministries Meeting in Columbus. There have been requests from our Sisters to view her preaching. Please go here to read.

Dominican Family News
Dominican Youth Movement USA News
"Spirituality - a Way of Life and Incorporating Nonviolent Practices" is the topic for an upcoming discussion this week. Mark the calendar for January 30 at 7:30 pm EST for the discussion with DYM USA.  Presenters include those from the Pax Christi Young Adult Caucus. Please go here to register for the online talk.

January DVM News
Please click here to see the latest newsletter from Dominican Veritas Ministries-- which includes highlights involving the Dominican Sisters of Peace and information about its new website.

Vote for DA
Dominican Academy is in the midst of celebrating both Spirit and Catholic Schools Week. They kicked off the fun with events like Pajama Day and many other festivities are planned.

The school also has a goal for the week relating to its students and is looking for support.

Your vote is needed to allow DA to win custom made socks from the Sock Religious Company.
Please go here to vote for Dominican Academy by January 30 (and only one vote per person). If the school gets enough votes, the students get to sport some very cool socks!

From Our Founded Ministries
Shepherd's Corner Upcoming Events

Wednesday, February 5
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Rediscover the Practice of Fasting
Fasting has long been a tradition and spiritual practice of many faiths including Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and others. With the coming of the observance of Lent, this is a time to reacquaint ourselves with this practice.

Come and join a conversation about personal fasting experiences and understandings of this rich spiritual practice. Discover or rediscover that fasting is a practice with many benefits for our body, mind and soul.

Wednesday, February 12
9:00 – 3:00 pm

Open Labyrinth Days Come spend time in Shepherd's Corner's labyrinths. Enjoy a self-led reflective walk through either or both of our outdoor labyrinths. The original labyrinth is located off of our meditation trail and is a mile in length with benches available throughout the labyrinth path. Closer to our barn there is the smaller St. Catherine labyrinth, which is about a quarter of the size of the original with benches in the center for rest.

Monday February 17th, 2025
10:00 am – 3:00 pm

President’s Day at Shepherd’s Corner
Activities for the day will include a scavenger hunt, meeting the animals, and other seasonal activities. Enjoy the meditation trail & labyrinths on this family friendly day! Take a winter walk through the woods at Shepherd’s Corner Ecology Center. This day is open to folks of all ages. Children should be accompanied by an adult.

February 19th
Home School Programming
Middle School Students 9:30 am – 11:30 am
Elementary Aged (1st - 5th grade- ages 7 and up) 1:00 - 3:00 pm

February 26 
Early Learners
10-11 a.m.
Early Learners Adventures is for ages 3, 4, and 5-year-olds. 6-year-olds are welcome to join as tagalongs. 

In The Media
Zoom and See in the News
Our "Zoom and See" event for discerners was posted last week in the Catholic Times.  Please see it here. 

And... for fun, you might want to consider watching "The Bachelor" show tonight on the ABC Network. Grant Ellis, a 2017 graduate of Albertus Magnus College, is the current season's leading man. It airs at 8 p.m. EST.

Coming Together in Prayer
The Catholic Diocese of Columbus asks all to join in prayer this upcoming Sunday for Sisters and Priests who are celebrating anniversaries. Please click here to see the list of those remembered.

More discussions: Cardinal Radcliffe
Please see the latest bulletin from Future Church that includes a rundown of upcoming events including a discussion on February 12 from Cardinal Radcliffe on the Synod. Registration is required to hear his talk. Please go here to read more about it and to register.

Schedule Change: Memories for a Sister
Sharing Memories for Sr. Noel Toomey, OP will begin at 3:00 pm on Monday, February 3.

Funeral services for Sr. Mary Otho Ballard, OP, who died on January 22, will be held at the Sansbury Care Center chapel on Thursday, January 30, with sharing of memories at 10 am and the Memorial Mass at 11 am.

Prayer Requests

  • Sr. Susan Leslie (Columbus, OH, susan.leslie@op​ requests prayer for a successful surgery on Wednesday, January 29 for the repair of a large hiatal hernia. She expects to stay one night in the hospital and to be out of the office for at least two weeks.
  • Sr. Susan Leslie (Columbus, OH, susan.leslie@op​ also has a prayer request from her cousin Terri, a permanent Deacon in the Episcopalian Church and ordained by Bishop Mariann Budde. Terri requests prayer for Bishop Mariann, since the bishop has been receiving hate messages and death threats. 
  • Sr. Joan Arceneaux (Columbus, OH, joan.arceneaux@​ requests prayer for her sister, Margaret Guadin, who has metastatic liver cancer. Margaret is scheduled to be moved to a skilled facility this week to be made comfortable.
  • Sr. Anne Keenan (Columbus, OH, anne.keenan@opp​ requests prayer for Jan Plappter, Sr. Rebecca Nolan's sister-in-law who died over the weekend. Jan was surrounded by family during her passing.
  • Associate Joe Perez (Garden City, KS, joevp777@gmail.​com) requests prayer for repose of the souls of Cousin Margie Breibesca, and Nat Hernandez, who died last week. Nat’s son Caughty is dying, and doctors have given him a very short time to live. Joe also asks for prayer for his Aunt Ruby, who has two staph infections and needs open heart surgery.
  • Associate Mark Butler (Columbus, OH, mark.butler@opp​ requests prayer for Erin Cordle, who passed away on Sunday. Erin recently retired from the Diocese of Columbus' Office for Social Concerns where she was a frequent collaborator with our Sisters on issues of justice and peace in central and southern Ohio.
  • Associate Cecelia Amendolia (Del Ray Beach, FL, cecelia.amendo​​) is requesting prayer for her sister, Agnes. Agnes has a meeting for an evaluation with the liver specialists to discover if she is a candidate for a liver transplant. Cecelia is thankful for prayers for her brother-in-law Don, who is healing well from his blood infection.
