
Directories Resources Calendar Necrology

January 29, 2025

Statement of Support
The Leadership Team and Justice Promoter of the Dominican Sisters of Peace stand with Right Reverend Mariann Edgar Budde, a Bishop of the Episcopal Church, in her expression of Jesus’ teaching at the January 21, 2025, National Prayer Service. Click here to read our statement. 

Homepage Blog
Important words today about the challenge of putting Christianity in action. Sr. Esther Calderon, OP writes about it in this blog.

Peace & Justice Update
Films for Screening
Two films that demonstrate why ecological and racial healing are necessarily intertwined are offered for upcoming screenings: Farming While Black and Inhabitants will be available to view during several time periods.

Registration is limited to vowed members, associates, and staff of communities who are a part of the Focus Community Program or the Land Justice Network.

If you are registering for a group, please send the number of viewers and your name as the Register to Sr. Gemma Doll
(gemma.doll@oppe​ following the view session. 

Farming While Black
Farming While Black
, is a 75-minute feature film featuring Leah Penniman (co-founder of Soul Fire Farm) that shows how a rising generation of Black farmers in the United States are finding strength in the deep historical knowledge of African agrarianism and its potential to save the planet.

Register for one of the dates:Wednesday, Feb 12, 2:30-4:30 ET
Thursday, Feb 13, 6-8 ET

This film focuses on why Indigenous people - who make up only 5% of the world's population - are stewards of 80% of the world's biodiversity.  Inhabitants is a feature documentary that follows five Native American tribes across deserts, coastlines, forests, and prairies in the United States as they restore their traditional land management practices. 

Register for one of the dates:Wednesday, March 5, 6-8 ET
Thursday March 6, 2:30-4:30 ET

After each film screening, there will be time for reflection and discussion.

Documentary Film
Presentation Sisters USA recently held a Zoom event - featuring "Running to Stand Still," a documentary on immigration.
By popular demand they are offering another chance to view the film on Thursday, February 13 at 7:30 pm EST.  Please see the registration flyer if interested in attending. 

Congregational News
Leadership Conference of Women Religious Statement

In the tradition of our founder, St. Dominic, we Dominican Sisters of Peace continue to work to build peace, even in the face of the challenges of our times.
The Leadership Conference of Women Religious has published a statement calling us all to become even more fully who we are called to be – bearers of love who refuse to relinquish our moral authority nor languish in despair. Click here to read the statement on 

New Exhibit in Columbus
Sisters, Associates and friends should take a little time out to view and reflect on a new exhibit that focuses on education. You will find it in the main reception lobby.

It's located in the large free-standing case and is the first of four displays. The current exhibition is on the Dominican mission of education and centers on our early schools in Kentucky and NOLA.  Click here for a quick look.

This exhibit will be available to view until April, when you will then see the next installment.  And, for those who are interested, you can still see a smaller version of the exhibit on our China mission on the third floor across from the Vincent Farrier room!

From Our Founded Ministries
Important Lesson during Catholic Schools Week
As we celebrate Catholic Schools Week-- we're shining the light on St. Catherine School. 

Sr. Barbara Kane visited the school in Wichita, Kansas to speak to the students about God, St. Dominic, St. Catherine of Siena, and the Dominican Sisters of Peace.  

Sister Barbara led the students in praying the, "Nine Ways of Prayer of St. Dominic." which includes nine different prayer styles and postures.

Please see some photos from the talk here. The Dominican Sisters of Peace have been involved in education since 1822 in St. Catharine, Kentucky and continues today!

Crown Point Gathering
Sisters and Associates in the northeast Ohio area may want to consider this invitation for Friday, January 31 from 5 to 7:30 pm at Crown Point.

It is a Meet & Greet Gathering at the heated greenhouse and the chance to catch up with our farmers and staff, ask questions, and get a first look at what’s ahead for 2025 or renew a Crown Point membership. This is a way to meet like-minded members of our community and learn how you can continue supporting organic farming, and sustainable land stewardship at Crown Point.  You can go here to register.  

World Day of Consecrated Life

Leadership Conference of Women Religious, in collaboration with CMSM, CMSWR, the US Association of Consecrated Virgins, and the US Conference of Secular Institutes, will be holding a virtual celebration of World Day of Consecrated Life this Sunday, February 2, 6:30 PM EST.

Sisters are encouraged to take part via Zoom. You must register for the celebration to obtain the link. Please go here to register.

Employment Opportunity
Director of Campaigns and Creation Care Position
AN (Franciscan Action Network) has an immediate opening for a full-time Director of Campaigns and Creation Care. This is a mid-level position located in NE Washington, D.C. Please circulate/forward to anyone who might be interested.  For more information please see this. 

Death of A Sister
Our devoted Sister Mary Otho Ballard, OP passed away January 22. Please see her obituary here, which describes her faithful service to the many lives she touched. 

Prayer Requests

  • Sr. Harriet Agnew (St. Catharine, KY, harriet.agnew@o​ requests prayer for a February 3 hip replacement surgery.
  • Associate Joe Perez (Garden City, KS, joevp777@gmail.​com) requests prayer for his Aunt Ruby, who will have open heart surgery next week to replace a heart valve. Prayer is requested for the surgeon, medical team and a successful healing. 
  • Associate Mary Gilliland (Howard, OH, mg111210@gmail.​com) requests prayer for Eileen Dill, the mother of a close friend. Ellen was recently diagnosed with cancer and will be starting chemotherapy next week. Prayer is also requested for Eileen's family and those who will be taking care of her. 
