
Directories Resources Calendar Necrology

January 3, 2025

Peace & Justice Updates
Note from Our Peace and Justice Promoters
We are being told by many advocacy and social justice groups that a greater emphasis needs to be placed on state level legislation. The idea is to pray for state politicians. Sr. Gemma Doll prayed for both an Ohio Representative and a Senator last year and asks if others might pray for one of their state legislators. Please click here to learn more about becoming a prayer partner. If you would like to participate, please click here to complete the form and submit. 

LSAP Update
We have come to the end of year 4 of the Laudato Si Action Platform. Please read how we have answered the call by clicking here.

Invitation from Sisters of St. Dominic
Tim Hall, Promoter of ­Justice, Peace and Creation, Sisters of St. Dominic in Racine, Wisconsin is conducting a two-part conversation about the November Presidential Election and the current political moment.
Part 1: "What Happened?”, scheduled for Thursday, January 9 at 6:30 pm. It will focus on the causes of election results.
Part 2: "The Way Forward” is scheduled for Thursday, January 16 at 6:30 pm. It will attempt to identify some of the new realities at work in our rapidly changing media and policy landscape, as well as some opportunities for effecting positive change going forward.
These conversations have previously been for Racine Dominican Sisters and Associates only, but they are now widening their circle to include others. Please see their flyer for more details.
Click here for the Zoom link, which is the same for both sessions.

Congregational News
A Little More Christmas 
There was so much magic happening this Christmas season at the Columbus Motherhouse it was hard to take it all in. But Sr. Michelle Sherliza worked her magic to show you the joy of the season in a little video keepsake.  Please click here to view. 

Office News
Latest Desktop Directory
Please see the January desktop directory for your communication needs. Sisters should contact Sr. Valerie Shaul (valerie.shaul@o​​ with corrections and Associates should contact Celeste Williams (celeste.william​​ Please click here for the directory. 
As a reminder, Sisters can also access the most current directory here via the Private Pages.

Prayers for December 
Please go here to see prayer requests for the month of December.

In The Media
DLC in the News
It was a wonderful occasion when the Dominican Learning Center celebrated its 30th anniversary. The Catholic Times spotlighted the event in a December issue. Please go here to read.

Save the date in 2025!
We have been invited by the Diocese of Columbus to save the date for a special gathering with Bishop Earl K. Fernandes. A special highlight will be talk from Sr. Anne Burleigh, OP, a member of the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia in Nashville and a Cincinnati native. 

  • Date: Tuesday, February 18, 2025
  • Place: St. John the Baptist Church
  • Time: 5:30-8:30
  • Speaker: Sr. Anne Catherine Burleigh “Consecrated Life and the Virtue of Hope”
  • Dinner 

Expect more details as we get closer to the date.

Prayer Requests

  • Sr. Barb Lolli (Columbus, OH, blolli@oppeace.​org) requests prayer for her brother Tom, whose cancer has spread and for her brother-in-law, Dave Bruggeman, who is in the hospital with a heart issue.
  • Sr. Margaret Mary Kennedy (New Haven, CT, margaret.kenned​ asks to please pray for Esther, one of the Spring Learning Center's participants. She will be taking her citizenship test on January 6th.
  • Sr. Pat Dual (Columbus, OH, patricia.dual@o​ requests prayer for Gerardo Campuzano Bueno, the nephew of Sr. Gregoria Bueno Rodriguez. Gerardo was in a serious motorcycle accident that left him unconscious.  Please also pray for his mother, Guadalupe, and the family. Sr. Gregoria is in the transfer process with the Dominican Sisters of Peace.
  • Associate Anita Davidson (Columbus, OH, nitad0527@gmail​.com) requests prayer for her friend Ed Poling, his wife and their family. Ed has just entered hospice care.
  • Sr. Valerie Shaul (Columbus, OH, valerie.shaul@o​ requests prayer for Patti Shaul, her sister-in-law. Patti is suffering from a severe concussion from a fall during a family Christmas celebration at her home.
  • Associate Karen Conners (Duanesburg, NY, Kc2peace@gmail​.com) is requesting more prayer for Associate Laurie Wagner whose knee replacement went well but is also having other health issues.
  • Associate Ann Warlick (Memphis, TN, warlickann@gmai​ requests prayer for Kathy Martin, her sister who has entered hospice.
  • Staff member Dee Holleran, (Columbus, OH, dholleran@oppea​ requests prayer for her friend Kiki, who has had major surgery on her foot but is not getting relief from pain.

Updates/Notes of Gratitude

  • Sr. Manuela Crisologo sends this note: I want to thank every one of you for your kind gifts, personal greetings, cards, and messages on Facebook, as well as for greeting me on my birthday and Christmas. 
    May you continue to enjoy this blessed Christmas season with joy, peace and harmony. This is my wish for each of you.

Sr. Charlotte Brungardt is grateful for the prayers and well wishes as she recovers from hip replacement surgery. Therapy is going well, and she had a good two-week check-up with the surgeon.
