Congregational News
News from Archives
The Archives Department is pleased to announce the roll out of our Oral History program starting in February. Sr. Marilyn Ambrosic is assisting and conducting interviews in support of this effort during the next few months.
We have been reaching out to some of our Sisters during the first round of interviews to make sure the process works smoothly for everyone. After this first round, archives will open up the program to all of the Congregation so everyone will get a chance to participate if they would like.
If you have any questions, please send to Michelle Ganz,, or call 614-416-1031. You may also send a text to Michelle at 380-249-0982.
From Our Founded Ministries
Reflections on the Cardinal's Visit
At the 2025 Ministry Leader Gathering, held in the Martin de Porres Center January 21-23, Timothy Cardinal Radcliffe, OP, explored synodality with leaders from Dominican Sisters of Peace-sponsored schools, learning and outreach centers, retreat centers, healthcare centers, and farms and ecology centers.
Cardinal Radcliffe emphasized transparency, accountability, recognition that the whole people of God have received the Spirit, and reciprocity.
On the second day of the gathering, Sr. Anne Kilbride, OP, and Dr. Edward Dunar, director of Albertus Magnus College's Eckhart Center, facilitated conversations on these key themes, and ministry leaders had the chance to reflect on their individual synodal journeys as well as how to journey with others in a synodal way.
The third and final day of the gathering included workshops hosted by the Office of Founded Ministries and the Mission Advancement and Communication Office, as well as a commissioning ritual and a blessing for the DSOP-founded, DVM-sponsored primary and secondary schools.
Please see more images from the visit here.
And to see our press release on the cardinal's address to ministry leaders please click here.
In The Media
Sr. Ana Gonzalez's Insightful Column
Sr. Ana writes about her hopes for this Jubilee Year and her own pilgrimage for Global Sisters Report. Please go here to read.
The Record
The Louisville Diocesan Paper, The Record is talking about our upcoming Zoom Discernment retreat. Please go here to read.
Catholic Times
A parochial school in Perry County, Ohio was featured in a recent Catholic Times article along with mentions of the Dominican Sisters of Peace and one of our Sisters. Go here for the article.
Retreats to Consider
Sisters may have an interest in the 2025 retreats that are offered at St. Joseph by-the-Sea. Please click here for their brochure. And go here for a registration form.
Death of a Sister
We remember our dear Sr. June Engelbrecht, OP, a native of New Orleans who passed away on January 25. Please see her many accomplishments during 64 years of service to God's people here in this obituary.
Sr. June Englebrecht’s funeral mass will be livestreamed at 9:00 am EST on Tuesday, February 4.
The stream will be available to log on at 8:30 am.
Please click here to log on.
Prayer Requests
- Sr. Mai-Dung Nguyen (Great Bend, KS, requests prayer for her cousin who will have a serious surgery on his spine on Monday, February 3.
- Sr. Therese Leckert (Columbus, OH, requests prayer for Sr. Barabra Hahl, CSC, who died January 27 in St. Mary's Convent, Notre Dame, Indiana. Sr. Barbara served as vice president for mission at Mt. Carmel Hospital in Columbus and served as a trustee and chair of Mohun Health Care Center's Board of Trustees.
- Sr. Theresa Fox (St.Catharine, KY, requests prayer for her sister, Monica. Monica lives in Chicago and was visiting a niece in Utah when she broke her leg. She required surgery and is scheduled to stay in the hospital for a few more days. Rehabilitation will be necessary before she travels home.
Updates/Notes of Gratitude
- Sr. Barbara Lolli (Columbus, OH, is grateful for the prayer offered for her brother Tom’s surgery earlier this week. Please continue to hold him and his family in prayer as he continues to adapt to the changes in his health.
- Associate Ann C. Hall (Cleveland, OH, offers thanks for the prayers for her uncle, Dennis R. Hall, who passed away January 30. May he rest in the peace of Christ and may his family and three children find comfort.