
Directories Resources Calendar Necrology

January 8, 2025

From Our Founded Ministries
DLC January Newsletter
There have been quite a few good things happening at the Dominican Learning Center lately.  Read their latest newsletter by clicking here.

In The Media
Spotlight on Dominican Sisters in Nigeria
Our daughter community, the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena, were recently featured for raising polio awareness in Nigeria. Please see the report in National Catholic Reporter here. It is also interesting to note that Sr. Ellen Coates' primary focus was polio prevention when she did work for the Gates Foundation. 

Events for the 2025 Calendar
Greeting New Associates
This spring, we will be welcoming several new Associates into our Dominican family!

Please save the date for the Commitment Ceremony, which will take place at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 8, the Feast of Mary’s Patronage of the Dominican Order. The ceremony will be held in the chapel of the Columbus Motherhouse, with a reception to follow in the Motherhouse dining room.

Your presence would mean very much as we celebrate and warmly welcome the new Associates to our community. A formal invitation with additional details will be upcoming.

Invitation from the Bishop 
Please make note of February 2, the Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord and World Day for Consecrated Life. Bishop Earl Fernandes of the Diocese of Columbus extends an invitation to celebrate with him during a 5:15 p.m. Mass at St. Joseph's Cathedral in Columbus, followed by dinner at the undercroft.

If you would like to attend the dinner, please RSVP to Yvette Reategui​ by Monday, January 27.

Archival Invitation for Sisters
Archivist Michelle Ganz is asking Sisters to mark January 29 on the calendar for a webinar entitled "Graceful in Grief: Archival Trauma, Mental Health, and Sensitive Collections."

This will be a 60-minute presentation on the trauma found in archival collections and how archivists work to protect themselves, the subjects of their archives, and people looking at the materials. 

The webinar takes place at 2 p.m. EST. It will be live-streamed and recorded. Please go here for a link to this presentation.

Death of a Sister
The memorial for Sister Dominic Haug, included in Monday's OPPeace News, featured an incorrect photo. Please click here to view the corrected memorial.

Prayer Requests

  • Sr. Rita Birzer (Waterford, MI, ritabirzer@hot​ requests prayer for Daniel Ficorelli, husband of Associate Denise Ficorelli (Cadillac, MI, Daniel died January 5. His funeral Mass will be held January 10 at Guardian Angels Catholic Church in Clawson, Michigan. Please also remember Denise and all of her family in prayer. 
  • Sr. JoAnn Hohenbrink (Columbus, OH, hohenbrj@ohiodo​ requests additional prayer for her brother, Fr. Michael Hohenbrink. He is faced with Parkinson's disease, is making progress with his treatments and reducing medications, but more appointments with his medical team are ahead.
  • Human Resources Director Jennifer Dixon( Columbus, OH, jdixon@oppeace.​org) requests prayer for her stepfather, Jon Davis, who passed away January 4.

Updates/Notes of Gratitude

  • Sr. Margaret Mary Kennedy and the Springs Learning Center remain grateful for prayer and share this picture of new US Citizen Mary Esther Godoy who became a citizen recently. In this picture (left to right) are tutor Sr. Margaret Mary Kennedy, new citizen Mary Esther Godoy, Ann Marie Chuckrey, Springs Learning Center Director and Michael Gibbons, Attorney with Apostles Immigration. 

Sr. Ellen Coates would like to express her deep gratitude for all of the prayers, cards and gifts she received before and after making her final vows, and for the encouragement, support, shared wisdom and prayers that played such a huge role in bringing her to the joy of final profession. She says everyone is in her thoughts, prayers and heart.
