Peace & Justice Update
Saturday, November 9: A Focus on Haiti
On Saturday, November 9, at 9 AM EST, the Dominican Family will share information on Haiti, our focus for the Month of Peace, beginning next month. Here is the zoom link to participate.
IT System Check Up: Land Justice Program
All Sisters, Associates and Staff who are taking part in the November 23 Land Justice Program are asked to do a quick system check up with the IT team before the call. The IT team will sit in on open Zoom calls to help you make sure that your Zoom program is up to date, and to do a quick review of the skills you need for this online event. These skills include how to mute, how to hide and unhide your video, and how to raise your hand during a call.
You can review how to update your Zoom program by reading the document here.
You can review how to raise your hand during a call by viewing this video.
You can do your system checkup on: Monday, November 18, 2-3 pm EST by clicking here.
Wednesday, November 20, 11 am to 12pm EST by clicking here.
Thank you for taking the time to prepare your computer and make this day as effective and educational as possible!
Congregational News
November 10: Mass and Rite of Perpetual Profession of Vows
The Perpetual Profession Mass for Sr. Ellen Coates, OP, will occur on Sunday, November 10, 2024, at 10:00 am in the Columbus Motherhouse Chapel. The Mass will be live-streamed. You may celebrate with us virtually by using the Zoom or YouTube links provided below:
Prayer Requests
- Sr. Mary Hope Sieron (Columbus, OH, requests prayers for five-year-old Pete and his family. Pete, who has cancer, is in the ICU after suffering a possible stroke.
- Sr. Shawn Fitzpatrick (Columbus, OH, requests prayer for Deron, a dedicated learner at the DLC, who has had many struggles. On Monday, he was conducting tours during the Center's 30th anniversary. Later, he learned his 19-year-old son was shot and killed in Columbus. Also requesting prayer for the family and that Deron stays on a good path.